Management Excellence Center deliver the best in class and most competitive tools and solutions to fulfill your organization`s needs and challenges. NPE – is the unique job evaluation and total reward solution delivered by MEC in partnership with AmCham Azerbaijan.

Job Evaluation is a critical foundation for people management but it can be costly, complex and time consuming. Many organizations find it difficult to manage and maintain their job information so suffer chronic inefficiency and struggle to keep it current and consistent and often lose valuable information when key HR people move on.

Job Evaluation Tool (JET) is an online tool that helps you manage every aspect of the process. JET increases efficiency by using a single platform to store and report job information. As a result, jobs are placed at the right level, career ladders are clear to every user and pay is valued correctly. JET builds MEC’s world #1 job evaluation methodology into a powerful online solution that delivers clarity, consistency and control of your job information, and can increase productivity during the job evaluation process.


JET is helping HR professionals to:

Efficient job evaluation - JET manages the entire job evaluation process online and in one place; streamlining the process, eliminating duplicated effort, improving communication and increasing productivity during the job evaluation process.

Place the right jobs at the right levels across the organization - Users access the same job information, in one central database, helping to identify over valued jobs and minimize the risk of jobs being evaluated incorrectly. This helps to level pay and compensation levels thereby reducing overall costs.

Enhance flexibility - JET can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization. It can be used by people with different levels of expertise, making it easier for HR to involve line managers and other staff in defining job requirements.

Improve return on investment - JET’s archive of job information protects your investment in job evaluation, ensuring that vital knowledge is retained even when key HR staff move on.

Benchmark - The important advantage JET is NSS, The National Salary Survey. HR or every responsible staff can easily benchmark salary information of specific jobs by using the most reliable salary survey of Azerbaijan market, which conductaed by AmCham every year for twenty years.